Christian School

Melody Park

Welcome to the world of early childhood education at Melody Park Christian School in Salinas, California.  We are proud of our school and enjoy sharing information about our high quality program for young children and their families.

Our hope is to provide children in our care with Christian love and understanding, a safe place to grow and play, and a developmentally appropriate education that is foundational for school success. We strive to guide them in meaningful relationships with God, their families and friends, and in becoming kind and helpful members of our community. 

With our staff working in partnership with families, First Baptist Church members, and our community at large, we embrace the task of educating and caring for these precious bundles of energy, curiosity, innocence, intelligence, and imagination to build a future of hope for all. As each child is our collective responsibility, we invite you to join us.



MWF: 8:30 - 11:30 AM
TTH: 8:30 - 11:30 AM
M-F: 8:30 - 11:30 AM
M-F: 7:00 AM - 5:30 PM

MWF: 8:15 - 11:45 AM
M-F: 8:15- 11:45AM
M-F: 7:00 AM - 5:30 PM


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Melody Park’s program is based upon the understanding that it is important to work with children as individuals to help them develop skills, interests and concepts when they are ready to undertake them. Our school is dedicated to the concept of developing each child’s potential to the fullest.

Our curriculum is based on our knowledge of child development and how the young child learns through their own experience with age appropriate activities. Each teacher develops lesson plans following the guidelines the full staff has adopted. 

Activities will be oriented toward giving the preschooler opportunities that provide exposure to reading and language arts, early childhood science, “hands-on” math, music, art and creative expression, dramatic play, cooking, and other related activities.

Our classroom environments reflect the variety in our programming. Each teacher prepares the classroom and curriculum for the use of the particular age and group of children within the class. Preschool rooms look different than Pre-K, and half day classes look different than full day rooms. Each teacher has prepared her classroom for the very unique composition of children in her class and how her room fits into our overall program. Our afternoon extended care enrichment program has planned enrichment activities for children by fully qualified early childhood professionals.

In each classroom you will see developmentally appropriate activities and materials for the children, such as art, music, science, cooking, block play, dramatic play, pre-mathematics, with exposure to reading and language arts. We also have indoor and outdoor physical activities that allow the child to develop motor skills. Our curriculum includes large and small group times for social and emotional growth.


Engage in cooperative play with peers. 
Resolve social conflicts with adult guidance. 
Express caring for others by making gifts, cards and pictures for friends, family or community members. 
Express him/herself with words, clay, paint, markers, crayons, movement, music, prayer, etc. 
Participate in songs, rhymes, and games that develop tonality, rhythm and language. 
Engage in conversations that develop a thought or idea; listen to stories, directions and to others. 
Look at books and learn to use them, and dictate stories to the teacher. 
Observe and experience natural and physical science around them. 
Use new vocabulary words learned from teachers, curriculum experiences, books and pictures. 
Find differences in colors, sizes, shapes, sounds & objects and classify them. 
Use math concepts by measuring, weighing and counting by relating numbers to objects in a group. 
Care for self, belongings and for living things. 
Be safe by taking part in safety lessons, fire drills, and supervised playground activities. 
Experience Christian care, love and understanding. 
Be encouraged in spiritual growth with prayer daily. 
Receive lessons and guidance into meaningful relationship with God, our Creator, and His Son, Jesus Christ.

Learning Skills Through Experience

For example, he/she will learn to:

This is what is happening at Melody Park in the area of Early Childhood Literacy! Early Literacy is defined as the skills, knowledge and attitudes that come before and lead up to conventional reading and writing. 
This learning happens daily in a child's talking, playing, being read to, seeing the written word and gaining phonemic awareness along with learning the code of reading and writing a language. Allowing for children's opportunities in these literacy gateways are part of our goals here. How does this make my child a reader/writer? What does this look like at Melody Park?

Early Childhood Literacy

The(including both the number and complexity of words a child knows) is a strong predictor of later
 size of a child's vocabulary reading/writing success. We are talking/listening. Conversations are a part of our day! We talk with children. We role model listening by listening to them! We discuss with children. We add vocabulary to our curriculum themes, helping the children to gain meaning in new words by discussion and explaining. For oral language experience children tell us stories or retell stories they know, they also learn songs and finger plays.

Through play children learn to communicate, to speak and listen with one another. They hear 



sounds of spoken language; learn about letters and words; learn about the world around them. We encourage book-related dramatic play and support "pretend" reading of books. We provide props for writing during play, such as pads of paper and pencils for lists, clipboards for around the room "writing" and a writing center. We display print in the play environment; books, magazines, cookbooks, telephone books and empty boxes/cans of foods for play in the kitchen area are examples to the children of the use of the written word.

The amount of time children spend participating in small group, interactive reading situations is a strong predictor of their


language development. When children are read to, they build vocabulary; when they build vocabulary, they understand more about what is read to them. We are reading. A rich variety of stories, poems and rhymes are read to children. We use simple picture/story books to guide the children in comprehension -- reading for meaning. We read as recreation...fiction, fairy tales, poems, etc. We read for knowledge...non-fiction resource books for children on particular subjects. We read multicultural literature. We encourage and support their "reading" to us.

Children's writing supports development skills that are also important predictors of reading ability.


These skills include: print awareness, alphabet knowledge, phonological awareness and the development of oral language.
We are writing.
Many classroom activities are preparing the child's hand to hold the pencil with a three-finger grip. Play dough and puzzle play, cutting, creative art and drawing all are for the small muscle development of the hand. Then children begin a developmental process of writing. From squiggles and scribbles to circles and on to primitive letters the child comes to writing. They will make signs, "draw" words, make lists...and sometimes expect you to "read" these!

With letter knowledge and phonological awareness

Learning the Code

we can predict a child's later 
reading success. We are learning the code. Phonemic awareness begins...the child hears separate words, recognizes rhyming words, and becomes aware of sounds beginning or ending words. All through play with language! Print awareness also begins...the child recognizes signs and print in the environment (and the world!), "reading like" behaviors are seen, supported and encouraged. We offer exposure to letter names and alphabet thus guiding letter recognition -- again through play and games.

This is what is happening at Melody Park in the area of Early Childhood Literacy! Early Literacy is defined as the skills, knowledge and attitudes that come before and lead up to conventional reading and writing. 
This learning happens daily in a child's talking, playing, being read to, seeing the written word and gaining phonemic awareness along with learning the code of reading and writing a language. Allowing for children's opportunities in these literacy gateways are part of our goals here. How does this make my child a reader/writer? What does this look like at Melody Park?

Early Childhood Literacy

The(including both the number and complexity of words a child knows) is a strong predictor of later
 size of a child's vocabulary reading/writing success. We are talking/listening. Conversations are a part of our day! We talk with children. We role model listening by listening to them! We discuss with children. We add vocabulary to our curriculum themes, helping the children to gain meaning in new words by discussion and explaining. For oral language experience children tell us stories or retell stories they know, they also learn songs and finger plays.

Through play children learn to communicate, to speak and listen with one another. They hear 



sounds of spoken language; learn about letters and words; learn about the world around them. We encourage book-related dramatic play and support "pretend" reading of books. We provide props for writing during play, such as pads of paper and pencils for lists, clipboards for around the room "writing" and a writing center. We display print in the play environment; books, magazines, cookbooks, telephone books and empty boxes/cans of foods for play in the kitchen area are examples to the children of the use of the written word.

The amount of time children spend participating in small group, interactive reading situations is a strong predictor of their


language development. When children are read to, they build vocabulary; when they build vocabulary, they understand more about what is read to them. We are reading. A rich variety of stories, poems and rhymes are read to children. We use simple picture/story books to guide the children in comprehension -- reading for meaning. We read as recreation...fiction, fairy tales, poems, etc. We read for knowledge...non-fiction resource books for children on particular subjects. We read multicultural literature. We encourage and support their "reading" to us.

Children's writing supports development skills that are also important predictors of reading ability.


These skills include: print awareness, alphabet knowledge, phonological awareness and the development of oral language.
We are writing.
Many classroom activities are preparing the child's hand to hold the pencil with a three-finger grip. Play dough and puzzle play, cutting, creative art and drawing all are for the small muscle development of the hand. Then children begin a developmental process of writing. From squiggles and scribbles to circles and on to primitive letters the child comes to writing. They will make signs, "draw" words, make lists...and sometimes expect you to "read" these!

With letter knowledge and phonological awareness

Learning the Code

we can predict a child's later 
reading success. We are learning the code. Phonemic awareness begins...the child hears separate words, recognizes rhyming words, and becomes aware of sounds beginning or ending words. All through play with language! Print awareness also begins...the child recognizes signs and print in the environment (and the world!), "reading like" behaviors are seen, supported and encouraged. We offer exposure to letter names and alphabet thus guiding letter recognition -- again through play and games.

This is what is happening at Melody Park in the area of Early Childhood Literacy! Early Literacy is defined as the skills, knowledge and attitudes that come before and lead up to conventional reading and writing.  
This learning happens daily in a child's talking, playing, being read to, seeing the written word and gaining phonemic awareness along with learning the code of reading and writing a language. Allowing for children's opportunities in these literacy gateways are part of our goals here. How does this make my child a reader/writer? What does this look like at Melody Park?

This is what is happening at Melody Park in the area of Early Childhood Literacy! Early Literacy is defined as the skills, knowledge and attitudes that come before and lead up to conventional reading and writing. 
This learning happens daily in a child's talking, playing, being read to, seeing the written word and gaining phonemic awareness along with learning the code of reading and writing a language. Allowing for children's opportunities in these literacy gateways are part of our goals here. How does this make my child a reader/writer? What does this look like at Melody Park?

Early Childhood Literacy

The (including both the number and complexity of words a child knows) is a strong predictor of later
 size of a child's vocabulary reading/writing success. We are talking/listening. Conversations are a part of our day! We talk with children. We role model listening by listening to them! We discuss with children. We add vocabulary to our curriculum themes, helping the children to gain meaning in new words by discussion and explaining. For oral language experience children tell us stories or retell stories they know, they also learn songs and finger plays.

Through play children learn to communicate, to speak and listen with one another. They hear 



sounds of spoken language; learn about letters and words; learn about the world around them. We encourage book-related dramatic play and support "pretend" reading of books. We provide props for writing during play, such as pads of paper and pencils for lists, clipboards for around the room "writing" and a writing center. We display print in the play environment; books, magazines, cookbooks, telephone books and empty boxes/cans of foods for play in the kitchen area are examples to the children of the use of the written word.

The amount of time children spend participating in small group, interactive reading situations is a strong predictor of their


language development. When children are read to, they build vocabulary; when they build vocabulary, they understand more about what is read to them. We are reading. A rich variety of stories, poems and rhymes are read to children. We use simple picture/story books to guide the children in comprehension -- reading for meaning. We read as recreation...fiction, fairy tales, poems, etc. We read for knowledge...non-fiction resource books for children on particular subjects. We read multicultural literature. We encourage and support their "reading" to us.

Children's writing supports development skills that are also important predictors of reading ability.


These skills include: print awareness, alphabet knowledge, phonological awareness and the development of oral language.
We are writing.
Many classroom activities are preparing the child's hand to hold the pencil with a three-finger grip. Play dough and puzzle play, cutting, creative art and drawing all are for the small muscle development of the hand. Then children begin a developmental process of writing. From squiggles and scribbles to circles and on to primitive letters the child comes to writing. They will make signs, "draw" words, make lists...and sometimes expect you to "read" these!

With letter knowledge and phonological awareness

Learning the Code

we can predict a child's later 
reading success. We are learning the code. Phonemic awareness begins...the child hears separate words, recognizes rhyming words, and becomes aware of sounds beginning or ending words. All through play with language! Print awareness also begins...the child recognizes signs and print in the environment (and the world!), "reading like" behaviors are seen, supported and encouraged. We offer exposure to letter names and alphabet thus guiding letter recognition -- again through play and games.

The (including both the number and complexity of words a child knows) is a strong predictor of later
 size of a child's vocabulary reading/writing success. We are talking/listening. Conversations are a part of our day! We talk with children. We role model listening by listening to them! We discuss with children. We add vocabulary to our curriculum themes, helping the children to gain meaning in new words by discussion and explaining. For oral language experience children tell us stories or retell stories they know, they also learn songs and finger plays.

This is what is happening at Melody Park in the area of Early Childhood Literacy! Early Literacy is defined as the skills, knowledge and attitudes that come before and lead up to conventional reading and writing. 
This learning happens daily in a child's talking, playing, being read to, seeing the written word and gaining phonemic awareness along with learning the code of reading and writing a language. Allowing for children's opportunities in these literacy gateways are part of our goals here. How does this make my child a reader/writer? What does this look like at Melody Park?

Early Childhood Literacy

The(including both the number and complexity of words a child knows) is a strong predictor of later
 size of a child's vocabulary reading/writing success. We are talking/listening. Conversations are a part of our day! We talk with children. We role model listening by listening to them! We discuss with children. We add vocabulary to our curriculum themes, helping the children to gain meaning in new words by discussion and explaining. For oral language experience children tell us stories or retell stories they know, they also learn songs and finger plays.

Through play children learn to communicate, to speak and listen with one another. They hear 



sounds of spoken language; learn about letters and words; learn about the world around them. We encourage book-related dramatic play and support "pretend" reading of books. We provide props for writing during play, such as pads of paper and pencils for lists, clipboards for around the room "writing" and a writing center. We display print in the play environment; books, magazines, cookbooks, telephone books and empty boxes/cans of foods for play in the kitchen area are examples to the children of the use of the written word.

The amount of time children spend participating in small group, interactive reading situations is a strong predictor of their


language development. When children are read to, they build vocabulary; when they build vocabulary, they understand more about what is read to them. We are reading. A rich variety of stories, poems and rhymes are read to children. We use simple picture/story books to guide the children in comprehension -- reading for meaning. We read as recreation...fiction, fairy tales, poems, etc. We read for knowledge...non-fiction resource books for children on particular subjects. We read multicultural literature. We encourage and support their "reading" to us.

Children's writing supports development skills that are also important predictors of reading ability.


These skills include: print awareness, alphabet knowledge, phonological awareness and the development of oral language.
We are writing.
Many classroom activities are preparing the child's hand to hold the pencil with a three-finger grip. Play dough and puzzle play, cutting, creative art and drawing all are for the small muscle development of the hand. Then children begin a developmental process of writing. From squiggles and scribbles to circles and on to primitive letters the child comes to writing. They will make signs, "draw" words, make lists...and sometimes expect you to "read" these!

With letter knowledge and phonological awareness

Learning the Code

we can predict a child's later 
reading success. We are learning the code. Phonemic awareness begins...the child hears separate words, recognizes rhyming words, and becomes aware of sounds beginning or ending words. All through play with language! Print awareness also begins...the child recognizes signs and print in the environment (and the world!), "reading like" behaviors are seen, supported and encouraged. We offer exposure to letter names and alphabet thus guiding letter recognition -- again through play and games.

Through play children learn to communicate, to speak and listen with one another. They hear sounds of spoken language; learn about letters and words; learn about the world around them. We encourage book-related dramatic play and support "pretend" reading of books. We provide props for writing during play, such as pads of paper and pencils for lists, clipboards for around the room "writing" and a writing center. We display print in the play environment; books, magazines, cookbooks, telephone books and empty boxes/cans of foods for play in the kitchen area are examples to the children of the use of the written word.

This is what is happening at Melody Park in the area of Early Childhood Literacy! Early Literacy is defined as the skills, knowledge and attitudes that come before and lead up to conventional reading and writing. 
This learning happens daily in a child's talking, playing, being read to, seeing the written word and gaining phonemic awareness along with learning the code of reading and writing a language. Allowing for children's opportunities in these literacy gateways are part of our goals here. How does this make my child a reader/writer? What does this look like at Melody Park?

Early Childhood Literacy

The(including both the number and complexity of words a child knows) is a strong predictor of later
 size of a child's vocabulary reading/writing success. We are talking/listening. Conversations are a part of our day! We talk with children. We role model listening by listening to them! We discuss with children. We add vocabulary to our curriculum themes, helping the children to gain meaning in new words by discussion and explaining. For oral language experience children tell us stories or retell stories they know, they also learn songs and finger plays.

Through play children learn to communicate, to speak and listen with one another. They hear 



sounds of spoken language; learn about letters and words; learn about the world around them. We encourage book-related dramatic play and support "pretend" reading of books. We provide props for writing during play, such as pads of paper and pencils for lists, clipboards for around the room "writing" and a writing center. We display print in the play environment; books, magazines, cookbooks, telephone books and empty boxes/cans of foods for play in the kitchen area are examples to the children of the use of the written word.

The amount of time children spend participating in small group, interactive reading situations is a strong predictor of their


language development. When children are read to, they build vocabulary; when they build vocabulary, they understand more about what is read to them. We are reading. A rich variety of stories, poems and rhymes are read to children. We use simple picture/story books to guide the children in comprehension -- reading for meaning. We read as recreation...fiction, fairy tales, poems, etc. We read for knowledge...non-fiction resource books for children on particular subjects. We read multicultural literature. We encourage and support their "reading" to us.

Children's writing supports development skills that are also important predictors of reading ability.


These skills include: print awareness, alphabet knowledge, phonological awareness and the development of oral language.
We are writing.
Many classroom activities are preparing the child's hand to hold the pencil with a three-finger grip. Play dough and puzzle play, cutting, creative art and drawing all are for the small muscle development of the hand. Then children begin a developmental process of writing. From squiggles and scribbles to circles and on to primitive letters the child comes to writing. They will make signs, "draw" words, make lists...and sometimes expect you to "read" these!

With letter knowledge and phonological awareness

Learning the Code

we can predict a child's later 
reading success. We are learning the code. Phonemic awareness begins...the child hears separate words, recognizes rhyming words, and becomes aware of sounds beginning or ending words. All through play with language! Print awareness also begins...the child recognizes signs and print in the environment (and the world!), "reading like" behaviors are seen, supported and encouraged. We offer exposure to letter names and alphabet thus guiding letter recognition -- again through play and games.

The amount of time children spend participating in small group, interactive reading situations is a strong predictor of their language development. When children are read to, they build vocabulary; when they build vocabulary, they understand more about what is read to them. We are reading. A rich variety of stories, poems and rhymes are read to children. We use simple picture/story books to guide the children in comprehension -- reading for meaning. We read as recreation...fiction, fairy tales, poems, etc. We read for knowledge...non-fiction resource books for children on particular subjects. We read multicultural literature. We encourage and support their "reading" to us.

This is what is happening at Melody Park in the area of Early Childhood Literacy! Early Literacy is defined as the skills, knowledge and attitudes that come before and lead up to conventional reading and writing. 
This learning happens daily in a child's talking, playing, being read to, seeing the written word and gaining phonemic awareness along with learning the code of reading and writing a language. Allowing for children's opportunities in these literacy gateways are part of our goals here. How does this make my child a reader/writer? What does this look like at Melody Park?

Early Childhood Literacy

The(including both the number and complexity of words a child knows) is a strong predictor of later
 size of a child's vocabulary reading/writing success. We are talking/listening. Conversations are a part of our day! We talk with children. We role model listening by listening to them! We discuss with children. We add vocabulary to our curriculum themes, helping the children to gain meaning in new words by discussion and explaining. For oral language experience children tell us stories or retell stories they know, they also learn songs and finger plays.

Through play children learn to communicate, to speak and listen with one another. They hear 



sounds of spoken language; learn about letters and words; learn about the world around them. We encourage book-related dramatic play and support "pretend" reading of books. We provide props for writing during play, such as pads of paper and pencils for lists, clipboards for around the room "writing" and a writing center. We display print in the play environment; books, magazines, cookbooks, telephone books and empty boxes/cans of foods for play in the kitchen area are examples to the children of the use of the written word.

The amount of time children spend participating in small group, interactive reading situations is a strong predictor of their


language development. When children are read to, they build vocabulary; when they build vocabulary, they understand more about what is read to them. We are reading. A rich variety of stories, poems and rhymes are read to children. We use simple picture/story books to guide the children in comprehension -- reading for meaning. We read as recreation...fiction, fairy tales, poems, etc. We read for knowledge...non-fiction resource books for children on particular subjects. We read multicultural literature. We encourage and support their "reading" to us.

Children's writing supports development skills that are also important predictors of reading ability.


These skills include: print awareness, alphabet knowledge, phonological awareness and the development of oral language.
We are writing.
Many classroom activities are preparing the child's hand to hold the pencil with a three-finger grip. Play dough and puzzle play, cutting, creative art and drawing all are for the small muscle development of the hand. Then children begin a developmental process of writing. From squiggles and scribbles to circles and on to primitive letters the child comes to writing. They will make signs, "draw" words, make lists...and sometimes expect you to "read" these!

With letter knowledge and phonological awareness

Learning the Code

we can predict a child's later 
reading success. We are learning the code. Phonemic awareness begins...the child hears separate words, recognizes rhyming words, and becomes aware of sounds beginning or ending words. All through play with language! Print awareness also begins...the child recognizes signs and print in the environment (and the world!), "reading like" behaviors are seen, supported and encouraged. We offer exposure to letter names and alphabet thus guiding letter recognition -- again through play and games.

Children's writing supports development skills that are also important predictors of reading ability. These skills include: print awareness, alphabet knowledge, phonological awareness and the development of oral language.
We are writing.
Many classroom activities are preparing the child's hand to hold the pencil with a three-finger grip. Play dough and puzzle play, cutting, creative art and drawing all are for the small muscle development of the hand. Then children begin a developmental process of writing. From squiggles and scribbles to circles and on to primitive letters the child comes to writing. They will make signs, "draw" words, make lists...and sometimes expect you to "read" these!

This is what is happening at Melody Park in the area of Early Childhood Literacy! Early Literacy is defined as the skills, knowledge and attitudes that come before and lead up to conventional reading and writing. 
This learning happens daily in a child's talking, playing, being read to, seeing the written word and gaining phonemic awareness along with learning the code of reading and writing a language. Allowing for children's opportunities in these literacy gateways are part of our goals here. How does this make my child a reader/writer? What does this look like at Melody Park?

Early Childhood Literacy

The(including both the number and complexity of words a child knows) is a strong predictor of later
 size of a child's vocabulary reading/writing success. We are talking/listening. Conversations are a part of our day! We talk with children. We role model listening by listening to them! We discuss with children. We add vocabulary to our curriculum themes, helping the children to gain meaning in new words by discussion and explaining. For oral language experience children tell us stories or retell stories they know, they also learn songs and finger plays.

Through play children learn to communicate, to speak and listen with one another. They hear 



sounds of spoken language; learn about letters and words; learn about the world around them. We encourage book-related dramatic play and support "pretend" reading of books. We provide props for writing during play, such as pads of paper and pencils for lists, clipboards for around the room "writing" and a writing center. We display print in the play environment; books, magazines, cookbooks, telephone books and empty boxes/cans of foods for play in the kitchen area are examples to the children of the use of the written word.

The amount of time children spend participating in small group, interactive reading situations is a strong predictor of their


language development. When children are read to, they build vocabulary; when they build vocabulary, they understand more about what is read to them. We are reading. A rich variety of stories, poems and rhymes are read to children. We use simple picture/story books to guide the children in comprehension -- reading for meaning. We read as recreation...fiction, fairy tales, poems, etc. We read for knowledge...non-fiction resource books for children on particular subjects. We read multicultural literature. We encourage and support their "reading" to us.

Children's writing supports development skills that are also important predictors of reading ability.


These skills include: print awareness, alphabet knowledge, phonological awareness and the development of oral language.
We are writing.
Many classroom activities are preparing the child's hand to hold the pencil with a three-finger grip. Play dough and puzzle play, cutting, creative art and drawing all are for the small muscle development of the hand. Then children begin a developmental process of writing. From squiggles and scribbles to circles and on to primitive letters the child comes to writing. They will make signs, "draw" words, make lists...and sometimes expect you to "read" these!

With letter knowledge and phonological awareness

Learning the Code

we can predict a child's later 
reading success. We are learning the code. Phonemic awareness begins...the child hears separate words, recognizes rhyming words, and becomes aware of sounds beginning or ending words. All through play with language! Print awareness also begins...the child recognizes signs and print in the environment (and the world!), "reading like" behaviors are seen, supported and encouraged. We offer exposure to letter names and alphabet thus guiding letter recognition -- again through play and games.

With letter knowledge and phonological awareness we can predict a child's later 
reading success. We are learning the code. Phonemic awareness begins...the child hears separate words, recognizes rhyming words, and becomes aware of sounds beginning or ending words. All through play with language! Print awareness also begins...the child recognizes signs and print in the environment (and the world!), "reading like" behaviors are seen, supported and encouraged. We offer exposure to letter names and alphabet thus guiding letter recognition -- again through play and games.


Spiritual growth is encouraged by providing children with knowledge of God our Creator and His Son, Jesus Christ. Within this Christian atmosphere, children learn about love, understanding, and caring for one another. Since a child’s physical, intellectual, emotional, social, moral, and spiritual growth is vitally important in these early years, the concept of ministering to the preschooler as a WHOLE CHILD is the primary goal of our school. Twice a month the children gather in the Sanctuary for Chapel, Bible stories, songs, and prayer. 
As part of our Christian curriculum the following stories will be read in class: 

September 9-13 - The Beginning/Adam & Eve
                  16-20 - The Sneaky Snake
                  23-27 - Noah's Ark
                  30-10/04 - Tall Tower

 October     7-11 - Joseph's Colorful Robe
                  14-18 - Pharaoh's Dream/Joseph Saves His Family
                  21-25 - Baby in a Basket
                  28-11/01 - Ten Plagues

November  4-8 - A Good Heart/David & Goliath
                   12-15 - Daniel and the Lions
                   18-22 - An Angel Visits Mary/Jesus is Born 

You are invited as our very special guests at events throughout our school year: Your participation or attendance is on a voluntary basis for:

Welcome–to–School events (August)     
Harvest Festival (October)                  “Streets of Bethlehem” (December)
Block Party (February)
Young Children’s Parade (April)
Activity Day (May)
Melody Park Sundays (December and May)
Your child’s birthday

Upcoming Events

Melody Park Christian School is a private non-profit preschool and prekindergarten licensed by the State of California under Title 22. Ages of children enrolled at Melody Park are 2.5-6 years of age. (Children enrolled in our school must be potty trained prior to enrollment.) 

Our regular school year is from late August-late May. We also offer a separate summer session from June-August for children currently enrolled or those registered for the upcoming fall school year. Children may be enrolled at any time of the year, based on availability.

Our program includes age and developmentally appropriate activities such as art, music, science, early-math and pre-reading. We also have indoor and outdoor physical activities which develop motor skills. We have large and small group activities for social and emotional growth. This is accomplished through a small class size of 12 children each in seven individual classrooms. 

We have a staff of state approved teachers with Early Childhood Education training, Pediatric and Adult CPR and First Aid. All of us at Melody Park share an abiding sense of commitment to quality in Early Childhood Education.

Prior to enrollment we ask families to attend a scheduled tour to discuss school policies, procedures, philosophy and goals.

About Us

1130 San Vincente Avenue
Salinas, CA 93901
Phone: (831) 422-5311
Fax: (831) 422-5980

Angie Castro, Director 
(831) 422-5311 x 22

Johnna Meister, Business Manager
(831) 422-5311 x 12

License #270702033
Corporate reimbursement & alternative payment programs accepted

Contact Us

Schedule A Tour !

We ask families that are interested in our school to come on a tour which should take about 45 minutes. During the tour the director will explain our curriculum, philosophy and policies. She will show you all the classrooms and playground, answering any questions you may have. The business manager will also join the tour and explain the enrollment process, tuition, extended care, payment, school calendar and more.

Thank you for your interest in Melody Park. Please complete the form below and we will contact you to schedule a tour.

Thank you for your interest in Melody Park, we will contact you to schedule a tour.

Request Received